luni, 25 aprilie 2011

seven drunken nights

Si cum ma plimbam intr-o zi prin Carrefour cu mama facand cumparaturile de paste[ea ca pleca , eu ca ramaneam singura acasa si aveam nevoie de un stash considerabil de conserve si mancare care se prepara numai prin adaugarea de apa], fiind usor distrasa de taieteii in fomra de dinozauri pe care i-am si cumparat[doar ca ornamente!]ma gandeam cum va fi cand voi ramane singura acasa. si uite asa mi-a zburat gandul la sectiunea cu alcool, foarte diversificata, de la bautura spirtoasa cu aroma de vodka pana la nemuritrul sange de taur si vodka finlandia cu energizant.

si a plecat mama, lasandu-mi aprobarea scrisa sa dau chefuri! ...

prima noapte am baut lichior de ciocolata cu Bogdan pana la 7 dimineata uitandu-ne la un serial.

a doua nopate chef monstruos la Radu... in care bineinteles ca oamenii de doi metri au crezut ca un metru si un shnitzel [adica eu] tine la imi aduc aminte decat momentul in care Mitza imi tinea parul si eu vomitam pe papucii si pantalonii lui. si ca perna pe care m-au pus sa dorm era inimaginabil de moale! si ca la miezul noptii cantau colinde la chitara... si ca fratele lu Radu se holba in decolteul meu.

in a treia eu si Denny trebuia sa ne intalnim o ora doua cu mitza si alina&ovi[care fac absolut totul impreuna: muncesc impreuna, raspund la acelasi telefon, merg la scoala impreuna, mananca impreuna, merg la buda impreuna, etc etc] in fostul Dado- singurul loc pe care l-am gasit deschis si in care era si loc- ne-am dat seama ca era promotie in ground zero: shotul de tequilla: 3 mergem frumos in ground zero, ca deh... si shot de tequilla, bere,and so apucat sa vorbim cu Cristi si cu prietenul lui Alex despre animalele noastre si cum au decedat ele.[este perfect normal] si pe urma ne-am dus cu ei si inca o satra de vreo aproximativ 15 oameni intr-un bar sa bem pentru ca ne-au dat afara din acolo da-i cu bere, da-i cu bere... de dimineata, pe la 7 cand am plecat de acolo, ne-am gandit [eu si denny] ca ar fi ok sa mancam ceva iniante sa mergem acasa, deci am aterizat la greu pentru ca ne-au trecut prin fatza 5 pisici negre si de cate ori facem un pas in fata  trecea o pisica neagra si faceam 9 inapoi. reusit sa scapam si de pisici si am ajuns la mc unde un tip a incercat sa ne agate, am scapat de el rapid, pentru ca era mai confuz ca noi si l-am pacalit sa plece., unde un tip a venit si a cerut " doua hamburgeri" si noi am inceput sa il luam la intrebari despre numele pe care i le-ar da copiilor lui, ne-am luat mancarea si ...evident ca nu am gasit niciun taxi, asa ca ma mers pe jos pana la hidro, era niciun taxi! atuni ne-a luminat un bec si am ajuns la concluzia ca avem o carte de vizita cu un numar de la un taxi, asa ca chemat un taxi[trist]. bineinteles ca taximetristul era din specia aia de taximetristi retardati care nu observa ca nu ii intereseaza ce vorbesti cu el , dar pe modelul smile and wave, ziceam da si ma uitam in gol, incercand sa nu vomit.bineinteles ca nu sunt nicide negliat faptul ca eu faceam pe mine, ca Denny nu mai putea sa mai mearga, ca am pus iara vreo doua pariuri pe vin.

more to come...

La multi ani mie:))

duminică, 3 aprilie 2011

Sometimes:)) 2

acelasi link. varianta pt barbati
  1. I look at and am attracted to other women. Everyday.
  2. I will never tell you the full details of my past relationship.
  3. I sometimes enjoy hanging with my friends more than I do with you.
  4. I don’t really know if I’m happy in this relationship or not. So stop asking.
  5. I love sex. More than you will ever know.
  6. I care about how you look. More than you will ever know.
  7. I love it when you don’t hesitate to start the sex.
  8. We have an ego, no matter what we say. Be careful. Especially in bed.
  9. If we say we’ll call you after meeting and getting your number. We will.
  10. If we say we’ll call you after an awkward/crazy/weird/sad first date. We won’t.
  11. If we randomly say, without encouragement, that we like you. We really do.
  12. If we say that we like you, after you confessed your undying love for us. We really don’t.
  13. I still compare my ex-girlfriends to you. You mostly win.
  14. I watch porn. Like it’s new?
  15. I flirt with at least one other woman in my life.
  16. I want sex twice as much as I’m having it. Told you I liked sex.
  17. I’ve faked it sometimes. Less than you, but I have. You’ll never know.

cute and true!



pentru ca am avut o discutie super haioasa cu el, un prieten s-a gandit ca ar fi dragut sa imi de a linku asta, de unde si urmatoarele (many thanks to Vic for the good laugh i just had):

  1. My best friend knows everything.
  2. Even if i insist on paying/splitting the bill on our first date. I’ll think you’re cheap if you let me.
  3. I sleep/keep your clothes because they smell like you.
  4. I’ll never tell the truth about how many guys I’ve slept with.
  5. I’m constantly testing you.
  6. I masturbate. Maybe, As regularly as you do.
  7. I think about sex with you. A LOT.
  8. I’m as nervous about commitment as you are.
  9. I like to make you jealous. A little.
  10. I like it when you lead. In the bedroom and out.
  11. I’ve fantasized about having sex with you before we actually did. Countless times.
  12. I still compare my ex-boyfriends to you. You mostly win.
  13. My body is not naturally this hairless. You’ll never know how hard I work to keep it that way though.
  14. I’ve seen your porn stash/websites. I find it hilarious.
  15. You’ve made me cry more than you will ever know.
  16. I like it when you talk a little dirty.
  17. The more I like you, the less likely I will sleep with you quickly. Alcohol will ruin this plan though.
  18. I need constant reminders that you want me around.
  19. I start fights with you because I’m feeling ignored. I’m trying to force emotion out of you.
  20. If I’m going to break up with you. All my friends know before you.
  21. I get hit on more than you realize.
  22. I’ve done at least one thing I would rather you never know.
  23. I fake it sometimes. More than you’ll ever know.